Stress and work go together like peanut butter and jelly. Between morning traffic, deadlines, phone calls, meetings, reduced benefits, bosses, coworkers, peer evaluations and a plethora of other taxing responsibilities, getting home from work can seem like a lifetime away. And when you DO eventually get home, relaxation and unwinding from the day that was is a top priority.
Nearly 40 percent of Americans endure stress from work, which is a disturbing statistic, as stress leads to numerous physical and psychological issues such as heart disease, depression, stroke, insomnia and diabetes. So, when a stressful day finally comes to an end, finding ways to relax becomes not only a luxury, but also a health necessity. And if you’re struggling to find easy ways to relax your mind after work, take a look at these simple suggestions that can have a profound impact in your life.
1.) Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is an extremely beneficial relaxation technique that utilizes essential oils from plants to heal you both physically and mentally. The easiest (and most relaxing) way to benefit from aromatherapy is by applying these essential oils to your bathtub. The “aroma” of these herbs and oils helps to soothe your nervous system and alleviate anxiety while replenishing your mind with positive thoughts and replenished energy.
2.) Movie
After a demanding day filled with frustration, getting cozy on the couch and transcending your mind into a great movie or television show is sometimes the best medicine. As we’re in the midst of the “Golden Age of Television” finding a program that suits your entertainment tastes is a viable alternative. Directv’s package options are a wonderful (and economical) opportunity for satisfying your binge watching urge.
3.) Mediation
Mediation requires a bit more practice to achieve, however, the benefits may very well be the most effective for easing tension and work related stress. Mediation not only helps to clear your mind, but also provides you with psychological tools for how to handle stress when it does eventually surface.
4.) Laugh
Do you have a favorite comedian that you love to listen? Maybe you know someone in your life that is naturally gifted with humor. Whatever the case may be, there is nothing better than a great belly laugh to chuckle away the pain of daily stresses. Don’t think laughter is only a temporary benefit, as it also:
- Lowers blood pressure.
- Lowers your risk of respiratory infection.
- Increases your body’s natural ability to produce disease-killing cells.
- Protects cognitive function, such as memory and learning capacity.
- Benefits your diaphragm and strengthens abdominal muscles.
5.) Exercise.
Arguably the effective weapon you have in your stress-relieving arsenal is exercise. During physical exertion, your brain releases feel-good chemicals that mimic the effect of morphine, which help to alleviate your mood, energize your mind and make dealing with stress less difficult. Exercise is also vitally important for concentration and mental performance as your brain receives more oxygen, which helps your cognitive function. Exercise may seem like the last thing you want to do after a stressful, but the after effect is worth the hassle.