Webmaster Tips for Optimizing Websites


Webmasters are in the business of trying to stay one step ahead of the competition by always knowing what’s new in the world of search engine optimization (SEO). What any good search engine optimization company will tell you, however, is that SEO is not just one thing. There are many different individual steps that you have to take in order to optimize website, which, put together, forms SEO. That said, there are some tips that are always important and relevant.

Get Relevant Links. Always

Your Page Rank is roughly determined as a proportional representation of the number of Google indexed pages that from a website. This means that if your website has more inbound links, then more of your pages will be indexed as well. However, those links have to be relevant. If you have a low quality link in place, you won’t be able to get the results you’re hoping for. There is no index cap on Google, so if you have 1,000 quality links on each of your pages, they will all be indexed.

Don’t Go for a Slow Server

If you have a slow server, you’re in trouble. This is because Google wants to be able to crawl as many pages as possible at the same time. So, if they can only go to two or three, then it is likely that only a few of your pages will be indexed as well. This is why you should avoid both shared and slow servers (usually the same thing).

Don’t Duplicate Content

If you were to duplicate content on your website, you may as well forget about getting ranked. If you have content on your site that is copied, it would be discarded in terms of calculating your ranking, and that can be very damaging. You need to make sure that you have useful, relevant, interesting, and unique content on your site. Plus, if Google does rank a page with duplicate content, that ranking will go to the original page, not yours.

You can use a tag, rel+canonical, which tells Google that you have a conceptual duplicate, for instance if you have related product. But that doesn’t mean you can duplicate as much as possible. Google’s indexing team will look at whether or not the duplication is accidental. Keep it original and interesting, and you’ll get ranked.

Affiliate Pages Rarely Rank

If you have a website that is affiliated to a different website, which also leads to very similar content, then you won’t get a high ranking. Google specifically looks for affiliate links, and when they spot them, they don’t raise your Page Rank. Hence, try to avoid those as much as possible.

These are just a few of the most basic SEO tips. The best thing to do, however, is to not try and master the art of SEO yourself. Get a professional instead, who has made it their life’s work to understand this system. That also ensures you are able to focus on your own business instead.