Business emails receive numerous messages each day. As a result, the inbox fills up pretty quickly. While it’s easy to ignore a stuffed inbox, it’s not wise to do so. In fact, maintaining a clean inbox is one of the smartest things you can do to ensure the safety of your business and the efficiency of daily tasks.
So, what are the benefits of cleaning your email inbox? Well, check out the advantages of having an organized inbox in the content below.
Minimize Used Space
Believe it or not, emails take up a lot of space. It may not seem like one individual email can use up so much space, but once they start to accumulate, things can build quickly. The last thing you’d want is to hold on to unimportant emails and have less space to receive the important ones.
The good news is, you can track the amount of storage space that your inbox has remaining. If you notice that you’re running out of space, do a thorough clean of your email inbox. By doing so, you’ll free up lots of space and make room for incoming messages.
Reduce the Chances of a Cyberattack
Unfortunately, cybercrime is real, and it’s something that everyone is susceptible to—especially businesses. Organizations are a huge target for hackers due to the sensitive information that’s sent through emails like names, addresses, and more.
Cybercriminals thrive on using emails to steal personal data. It doesn’t matter if you have a small business, it’s wise to take precautions against criminals. Put cybersecurity on the hardware and software of work computers.
Furthermore, having a clean inbox minimizes the risk of a hack. If there are no emails to break into, then cybercriminals can’t gain access to the data. If your business’s email gets hacked, and it’s full, that can create a huge problem.
Large amounts of emails with personal data and other information is a complete goldmine for a hacker. The more information that’s available to them, the bigger the breach, and the larger the headache for your company. Be sure to empty out your email on a regular basis to avoid the possibility of a cybercriminal stealing the information.
Complete Work Duties Quicker
If you have an email that you’ve opened, read, and ignored, it could slow down productivity. In situations like this, it’s easy to tell yourself that you’ll get to the task later. However, not addressing certain things as soon as they come through your inbox can cause delays.
You might forget about it, and the message slowly becomes bombarded by other incoming messages. But if you make the decision to read every email, act on it, and delete it, that’ll keep your inbox from becoming clogged. Not only that, but you can maintain a clean inbox by discarding messages that aren’t important.
Helps You to Stay Organized
Organization is key when it comes to using a business email. As we’ve already discussed, business inboxes can get pretty full. You’re always getting reminders from your boss, emails about meetings, updates, etc.
If your work is centered around your email, it is essential that you organize all of your messages as soon as they come in. Otherwise, you’ll get overwhelmed and have a hard time finding significant emails when it’s time to review them. It’s a good idea to separate your important emails from your non-important emails.
Not only that, but if you have messages in your inbox that you don’t need, clear them out. That way, you’ll know that the majority of the emails in your inbox are essential, and you’ll have less clutter to weed through.
Helps You Do Your Job Properly
Has your boss ever sent an email about a policy change, and you didn’t read it? Well, a situation like that could cause a huge problem. Sometimes companies don’t have the time to hold a meeting to provide an update, so they’ll send out an email instead.
However, if your inbox is full, or you allow the message to get lost, you could run the risk of making an error. Let’s say your business has changed its protocol for how to do a certain process. It’s in your best interest to read those emails and archive them, if needed. Once you’ve understood the new protocol, and you don’t have to reread the message, get rid of it.
Avoid Abandoned Emails
You’d probably be surprised to learn that after 180 days, emails are labeled as abandoned. Once this time frame has passed, the government has the right to look through your emails— even without a warrant.
This is possible through the Electronic Communications Protection Act. It’s a law that was put into place prior to internet privacy laws becoming established. So, if you want to keep all of your business emails safe, delete old emails as quickly as possible.
On the other hand, if you want to hold on to the messages in your inbox for business reasons, there are many ways in which you can store outdated messages using external methods. So, to maintain the integrity of your business and prevent others from reading the messages, be sure to discard every email and don’t ignore any messages.
For more information about managing your emails, take a look at these 7 reasons why a clean inbox is essential.
The Importance of Maintaining a Clean Inbox
As you can see, maintaining a clean inbox is essential. Not only does it protect your business, but it also helps you stay organized. If you follow the tips listed above, you’ll have a greater chance of improving the efficiency of your workplace duties.
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