Posts Tagged“lawyer”

Life Events Which Require You To Lawyer Up

You may think that you will never be in such a situation whereby you will need to find a lawyer, but the truth is that it can happen at any time. I was of this belief in the past, but after an incident I had to go through legal proceedings, something I could not have gotten through without the support of the guys at Dolan Law Firm. After this instance, I have spoken regularly with friends who believe it won’t happen to them, so I wanted to write a piece about just some of the things that could happen to…

What Skills Do Great Lawyers Possess

I was chatting to a friend recently who works at the fantastic Khan Law Firm and we got on to talking about what it takes to become a great lawyer. The reason that I was asking is that I spend a great amount of my time working with young students in schools across Seattle, helping them with their career choices. Many of my students ask me about going into the legal practice and becoming a lawyer and so I wanted to get my friend’s feedback on what it is that makes someone a great lawyer. And so, I thought that I…

Kirkland & Ellis VIP: Jon Bunge

You may have recently heard of a company titled Kirkland & Ellis LLP, but have you heard of one of its litigation Partners, a VIP within the company? Jon Bunge, serving as a prized member of their team actively works with them to close cases while bringing years and years of experience to the table. But that’s not all that makes Jon Bunge an invaluable member of their team. In order to better understand exactly who Jon Bunge is within the company and what he does, let’s take a closer look at who he is along with his professional background,…