Posts Tagged“health”

Encourage Your Employees to Be Healthier

Although being a boss doesn’t mean you track what employees do outside work, you want them healthy. That said are you as an employer doing anything to improve the lives of your workers? There are a myriad of things you can do to encourage your employees to have the healthier lives. So, where might you begin on this journey? Healthier Employees Usually Means a Healthier Business In striving to have the healthiest employees around, remember these pointers: 1. Incentives – Give your employees incentives to stay healthy. One of the more common ones that many employers offer is free admission…

Staying Loyal For The Best Beauty Care

I was speaking with my friends recently about the beauty clinics which hey use and why and I was surprised to learn that many of my girlfriends often chop and change between clinics. I have always seen far more benefits in staying loyal to a particular beauty clinics as doing so offers much more than changing each time. This approach does have its issues occasionally, for example I recently moved home and had to find not only a clinic near me, but one which I’d be happy to keep going back to. Fortunately I checked out the glowing Sono Bello…

Curtis Cripe: New Approaches to Treating Debilitating Injuries

Medicine is progressing rapidly in how it approaches and treats injuries bring greater relief and a better quality of life to those who get injured. The use of new medicines, procedures and therapies that take into account the injury but also the patient following treatment provides a better outcome for all involved. Here are a few injuries and how new technology is improving the approach to dealing with them. Injuries of the Hip Because humans are bi-peds who walk upright, our hips are nearly always weighed down with the weight of our upper bodies. In addition to carrying this weight,…

These Energy Boosters Give You a More Productive Day

Everybody wants more energy these days to meet the demands of the full lives we lead. But finding more energy throughout our busy days is a real challenge and with family, work and trying to get some time for ourselves a daily priority, energy is usually in short supply. If we look around the world, we discover that many societies have different strategies to gain more energy throughout the day. In South American many societies take naps called siestas in the middle and hottest part of the day. This time is used to recharge the system for the second half…

What Sedentary Living Can Do To Your Health

Although a stress free office job seems like the last place you’d have to worry about your health, it’s actually fast becoming one of the most dangerous, as years and years of sedentary living can start to really add up. This infographic was put together by Discount Supplements, check them out for the greatest deals on the best protein powder.