In the event you’re in the transportation business, how much time and effort do you put into the Internet?
For many business owners in this line of work, the worldwide web was one of the best things to ever happen.
On the one hand, the Internet provides a great medium for them to advertise and market their transportation services. Secondly, it allows consumers to reach out to them 24/7, something that was all but non-existent prior to the dawning of the Internet several decades ago.
Given the Internet provides for a win-win situation for the transportation business owner and the rider, 2017 should see even more lines of online communication being opened.
So, is your business prepared to ride over to the Internet for better transportation needs?
Business Owners Should Focus on Utilizing Technology
For those in the transportation business, turning to the Internet offers you several advantages.
Among them:
- Website promotions – First and foremost, you are able to promote your website on a consistent basis. By doing so, you can get your services out in front of the public eye 24/7/365, giving you an advantage over those competitors with little or no Internet activity. Whether promoting the fact you offer automated ride sharing technology, car sharing or ride sharing technology, let consumers know about it. With automated ride sharing technology, your business can serve your riders no matter how they prefer to be alerted to a ride. The automation also lessens the manual workload for dispatchers, giving you a win-win situation in the end. As part of your online promotions, make sure your site clearly points out how your brand uses automated technology to make things faster and easier for consumers, something they will appreciate;
- Socializing your brand – The other big advantage to having a viable Internet presence when in the transportation business, capitalizing on social media. For example, if you have a Facebook page, turn it into a fan page for consumers. Not only can you run the latest information about your business on there, but you can post coupons for trip savings, survey questions, and much more. Also be sure to have activity on sites such as Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. As you can see, the more active you are in the social world, the better opportunity you have to reach out to both current and prospective customers.
Consumers and Surfing the Web
Meantime, consumers have every reason to want to use the Internet regularly too.
For starters, you don’t have to leave your home or office to find out about car, ride or automated ride sharing technology.
By doing a simple Google search of such terms, you can find a number of companies involved in this line of business. Better yet, many of those companies will offer features such as a “live chat” option, allowing you to speak with a customer service rep immediately. This takes the headache out of having to send an email or leave a phone message and wait for a response.
Another reason to be active on the Internet when looking for ride and car sharing opportunities is interacting with other riders.
For example, by doing that previously mentioned Google search for businesses in the ride and car sharing field, also look for rider groups on social media sites. If you’re lucky, you will come across others looking for the same services you are. You may end up making not only new friends, but those you can get together with when it comes to ride sharing needs.
Savvy Internet Users Drive Forward
In order for your business to zero in on growth opportunities in the New Year and beyond, make sure you are Internet savvy.
As for consumers (notably riders), you too must be able to drive around the Internet for the best ride and car sharing technology. In doing so, you will save the hassle of being left stranded, all the while saving money in getting the best deals.
When transportation is on the line, riding over to the Internet will make for happy drivers and riders.