Browsing CategoryLegal

What are the basics of constitutional law?

If you are about to enter law school, one subject that you will likely have to cover is constitutional law. Essential to the backbone of any stable democracy, these schools value this subject appropriately, meaning that you will have to study it even if you have no plans to specialize in this aspect of the legal profession. Even JD Dukes had to take it, so be ready to take it when you get into law school. What are the basics of constitutional law? This article will go in depth on what you need to know. What is constitutional law? Constitutional…

Will You Win a Sexual Assault Case or go to Prison?

If a sexual assault allegation is hanging over your heard, how hard do you plan to fight it? For some people, they will fight with everything possible to not only avoid jail time, but also work to restore their reputation. With that being the case, it is important that you simply do not throw away all you have worked for up to this point. In hiring the best available criminal defense attorney, you strengthen your chances of either getting the charges dismissed altogether or at least coming up with a plea deal both you and the prosecution can live with.…

Beauty Claims – How to Claim for Compensation for Injuries Sustained at a Beauty Salon

If you suffer an injury or damage to your skin or hair while undergoing a treatment at a beauty salon, spa, or even while receiving a beauty treatment in your own home, you may be able to make a claim for compensation if the practitioner was at fault and it can be proven that this resulted in your injury. Beauty claims for compensation are quite common, but not necessarily straightforward as you might think; here’s what you need to know in order to make a successful claim. Reporting the incident If you suffer an injury then don’t simply make light…