Browsing CategoryGap Year Experiences

Landing Your Dream Job in the Business of Music

Music is a huge industry that involves a whole lot more than simply recording and performing. Once upon a time, people with a bit of talent would come together and create either a band or a record label and start raking in the money. Today, however, music is a real business and to make it in this business, you need a music business degree. Billions of dollars are involved in the music industry every year. While performing stars continue to be the ones who earn the most, they also require more and more people around them in order to be…

How to Keep Business Data Safe When You Travel

The concepts of business data and protecting information are almost invariably at the forefront of our attention. Hackers and cyber criminals are becoming increasing prevalent and also savvy in their tactics, and the business world has had to take many steps to make sure they’re protecting themselves. This extends not just to small, medium-sized and large businesses, but also to individuals. What if you frequently travel for work? It can then become even harder to keep business data protected, so how do you do it? Be Wary of Public Wi-Fi Using public wi-fi is probably one of the biggest points…

Top 5 Questions to Ask If You Need a Blog Niche

Many blogs start off with great ideas and lots of imagination, but unfortunately readers are not fans of endless rambling without a purpose. If you find yourself in this position as a blog owner, it is best to organize yourself and to find a blog niche on which to dwell. Once you have a niche, you can create a concrete plan and set your goals and objectives, thus overcoming the “just another blog” phase. Ask yourself these questions and see where you end up! What’s Special about Your Blog? Regardless of your domain, you should ask yourself what makes your…

The Nice Terror Attack and the Lord’s Warning

Last summer, a mad man claiming to be a member of ISIS and a follower of the prophet Mohammad killed 80 people in Nice. He did so by driving his truck into a procession of people. This terror attack, the third to have taken place in France, rocked the world. Prophet TB Joshua, the Supreme Leader of SCOAN (Synagogue Church of all Nations) prophesized that this attack would happen long before it actually did. Deuteronomy 18:22 says that this is the sign of a true prophet: when they say something that actually happens as they say it. The Nice Terror…

Small Changes You Can Make To Ease The Aging Process

It is a fact of life that as we get older, our body as a result of the wear and tear which it has been through during our lifetime will start to slow down. This happens to all of us, some earlier than others but one day we will all have to face the fact that we need to slow down our pace of life and adjust to our new, somewhat more limited, potential. The trick is to adjust accordingly to what your body is telling you, there is no point trying to fight the inevitable and if you fail to…