Daniel Craig may be in the process of gearing up for his final mission as secret agent James Bond, as the 25th film in the legendary series enters production, but for the geniuses behind ‘Secret Cinema,’ attention has returned to where the Daniel Craig and James Bond story started – the 2006 movie ‘Casino Royale.’
After a few months of hype generated on their Instagram feed, including a close up image of Craig’s trademark piercing blue eyes posted in black and white, Secret Cinema have now confirmed that the Bond blockbuster will be the latest film to get their immersive, exclusive, and mysterious VIP treatment in its own special series of screenings. Full details, including the location, are yet to be confirmed. With Secret Cinema, they never are. Their events can happen anywhere in the world. All we know for certain is that it’s going to happen in London – the home of the world’s most famous spy.
For all the hype and spectacle that’s come with Craig’s post ‘Casino Royale’ Bond movies, there’s always been a nagging sense that neither he nor the production team ever topped what they accomplished the first time around. It was a bold relaunching of the franchise, with a hardened version of Bond less ready to give one-line quips as he dispatched of his foes, and more likely to react emotionally to the events around him. He was a Bond for a new age – which was precisely what the series needed after the campy treatment of Pierce Brosnan’s final few outings.
Part of the joy of going to a Secret Cinema night is that you never know what you’re going to get – attendees are sworn to secrecy, and the specifics of each film necessitates the creation of totally unique worlds to suit whichever masterpiece they’ve decided to work with. In the past, they’ve hosted hugely popular and successful events based around movies such as ‘Moulin Rouge,’ and ‘Star Wars,’ but the outlandish themes of both those movies allow for a lot to be done purely through costumes and special effects. The slightly more down-to-earth setting of ‘Casino Royale’ appears to be more restrictive on first glance, but based on their past form we’re sure they’ll find a way to surprise us.
In the promotional text for the event, Secret Cinema warns potential attendees that ‘the world of espionage has changed,’ and that they’re being specifically requested to provide assistance. Upon acceptance, everybody who goes will be treated as a special agent. That means access to top secret information, targets to achieve, people to meet and speak to, and a high-stakes story crafted around a bespoke experience. If we were betting people – if you’ll excuse the weak pun – we’d say the donation will be dressed up to look like a grand casino. This means you can combine two great traditional nights out – the film experience, and the movie experience. Granted, you could watch a film on Netflix and play at an online casino or it’s sister site instead – and many of us do on a regular basis – but when there’s an experience like this on your doorstep, then it feels almost rude to pass up on it as a fan. No matter how many times you might strike the jackpot playing casino games online, you’ll never feel like a secret agent when you’re doing it. Not even if you put on a full tuxedo!
The viewing of the movie is just one aspect of the Secret Cinema experience, and will occur at the end of the night. Four hours of entertainment are planned in all, including such bold promises as ‘filmic dreamscapes,’ and ‘secret storylines.’ All those who buy tickets will be given a specific character to play, dress up as, and generally inhabit for the night. This is an excellent opportunity to sharpen up your acting skills, as well as enjoy a little roleplay fun with people who love the film just as much as you do. There’s also a vague promise of drinks along with your ticket – hopefully, they’ll arrive in the form of a martini that’s shaken, not stirred.
Interestingly, the tickets for the event are for adults only, even though the movie didn’t come with an 18 certificate. Whether that’s because some of the entertainment on offer is a little risque, or it’s just that Secret Cinema would prefer to keep children away from their events, remains to be seen. Two tiers of ticketing are available, ranging from a £49 – £79 bracket who’ll enjoy access to an ‘MI6 employee portal online,’ a ‘bespoke mission briefing and secret agent name,’ and a ‘cinematic experience’ that blends theater and practical special effects with the action on the screen. Watching the movie before you attend isn’t necessary – although doing so might help you pick up a couple of extra clues!
Those who are willing to pay a little more (£125 – £175) get all of the above, but also have their own ‘VIP’ handlers, two free drinks and free food, a gift bag, and fast track entry.
The Bond events are running in London from the 5th of June to the 22nd of September 2019, with tickets on sale now. While we’d love to be able to bring you more specific detail of what may or may not happen on the evening, the not knowing is part of the fun. Previous reviews of Secret Cinema nights have been almost universally positive, and if you’re a fan of the Bond series of films, this is probably one that isn’t to be missed. We already envy those of you who live in or around London. If you’re going to be in attendance, have a great night, and be sure to let us know what happened when you got there. The curiosity is killing us!
If you’d like to know more about the Casino Royale Secret Cinema experience, visit the Secret Cinema website, or keep your eyes on their official social media accounts closer to the time. We’d suggest acting quickly though; the VIP tickets are already almost sold out.