Are you job hunting? If the answer is in fact yes, how’s the search coming?
For many people in the job search, the results can range from great to downright poor.
Often, how the search goes depends on a myriad of factors. Among them:
- National and local economies
- Your resume with experience and schooling
- If the employer you are pursuing is on a hiring binge or freeze
With those and other factors in play, how can you best position yourself to find the work you want?
Do Your Homework
So that you are able to improve the odds of finding the job you want, remember these keys:
- Research
Like most things in life, the job search means you need to do your fair share of research.
As an example, you must know where to look for work. If you do a search without any research, it can be like throwing something against a wall to see if it will in fact stick.
By tuning in on what the national employment data is saying, you have a much better idea of what to expect. It may also mean that you will end up needing to move to find a better salary and benefits.
You should also stay abreast of what is going on with companies in adding workers and downsizing.
An example would be an industry where there’s been a major amount of drop-off in recent months. Such movements say that you are not going to have the best chances finding work in that field. That said do not write it off altogether.
Also be sure to look at the history of the company you are considering applying to. Among the main items of interest:
- Do they have a reputation of rewarding their employees with good pay and benefits?
- Do they have an A+ record of worker safety?
- Do they have a sound reputation in quality customer service? Remember, companies with great customer service oftentimes remain around for many years.
Of most importance, doing your homework will make you a more knowledgeable job seeker.
- Qualifications
You’re guessing nothing says failure faster than if you are not qualified for the position.
For instance, you want the better paying job, but a Master’s Degree is high on the recommendation list.
Although you very well may not even get a response to your resume, send it anyhow. You never know when your experience may catch the eye of a recruiter.
Along with your qualifications, make sure you have a positive attitude on any interview you go on.
In some cases, that attitude can be the difference maker. Even if lacking experience, a recruiter may be quite impressed with your attitude. As part of that, make sure you study up on the company you are applying to work for.
- Timing
One other important key is the timing of your job search.
While it is fine to be job hunting whenever and wherever you want you shouldn’t be doing it 24/7. This not good for the time and focus needed of your present job.
Instead, do your job searching when you have time and can relax. You are more likely to be better focused.
You should also avoid leaving one job without having another one ready to go. Not only can this be financial suicide, but your stress level is likely to increase in a hurry.
When the time comes for you to do some job searching, be sure your focus and effort are ready to report for work.