Posts Tagged“tech”

Using Technology to Improve Research Writing Skills

Traditional research paper writing required an enormous amount of paperwork. Just two decades ago, the process would incur the long and complicated process of visiting a library, perusing the card catalog, visiting the stacks, taking notes in notebooks, organizing ideas on index cards, drafting your paper in longhand online paper, and typing a final copy on a typewriter, or visiting the library or computer lab yet again to use a machine and a dot matrix printer. The entire effort could take days for even the simplest of essays, just because of the challenge involved in going places and physically moving…

How Digital Printing Can Help Your Online Business

If you want to take your online business to the next level, you must be exploring multiple avenues to do so. One of the best things you can do to take your online business to the next level is to choose digital printing over traditional offset printing. It Saves You Time There used to be a time when printing was a lengthy, tedious process. But with digital printing, you can get your prints delivered to your doorstep within a few hours. You don’t have to even get up from your desk – just place your order online, and you’re done!…

The Basics: 5 Cybersecurity Solutions Every SMB Needs

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have learned to save money and to spread out technology expenses with “Software as a Service” (SaaS) subscriptions that store software applications in a cloud-based environment instead of on the SMB’s own servers. The growth of SaaS, however, has been matched and even surpassed by the expansion of “Crime as a Service” (CaaS), in which cyberthieves trade hacking tips and offer their data breach services for a fee over the dark web. Equifax’s recent hacking woes might lead an SMB to think that cyberthieves only target big businesses and leave SMBs alone. But the reality…

Board Software Solutions For Crown Corporations

Crown corporations (or crown agencies) in Canada are under a lot of pressure right now, as they face a wide range of issues under intensive media and government scrutiny. Issues like executive compensation and competitiveness are evergreen news topics, and difficult issues for boards to balance. On the one hand, they need to attract top talent and compete with high private sector compensation. On the other, the public is highly sensitive to CEO compensation and bonuses, especially when they see their own salaries stagnant. Other issues like labour disputes and changing hiring practices as well as cybersecurity risks mean your…

Have an App Idea? 3 Ways That Will Help You Get It Live

149.3 billion mobile applications were downloaded worldwide last year. As of March 2017, there are 2.8 million available apps on Google Play and 2.2 billion on the App Store. By 2020, mobile apps are estimated to reach the $189-billion-dollar mark. What do these stats have in common? We can tell two things: apps are here to stay and they’re booming. Now is the time to put that application idea to action. How do you go about that? How do you increase the chances of it going live? Read on! 1. Polling Improves Market Research Who is your target audience? What…