Crown corporations (or crown agencies) in Canada are under a lot of pressure right now, as they face a wide range of issues under intensive media and government scrutiny. Issues like executive compensation and competitiveness are evergreen news topics, and difficult issues for boards to balance. On the one hand, they need to attract top talent and compete with high private sector compensation. On the other, the public is highly sensitive to CEO compensation and bonuses, especially when they see their own salaries stagnant. Other issues like labour disputes and changing hiring practices as well as cybersecurity risks mean your board of directors needs to be well-prepared and ready to talk about big issues.
Secure Board Software
Board software is a tool that improves communication and meeting preparation for boards of directors. It’s also a secure means of distributing board books in a way that other electronic media aren’t. Security is the number one reason to switch to board portal software and stop relying on insecure electronic means. Given the sensitive nature of documents crown corporations discuss at the board level, board of directors portal technology must be secure from contemporary cybersecurity risks. It also means that directors must adopt new technology brought on for security reasons, as non-compliance can easily lead to security breaches.
Affordable Board Software
When a crown corporation invests in a new software technology, it’s their responsibility to find a solution that meets the security and efficiency standards of a modern organization while also minding its budget. Whereas in the past, topnotch security may have been affordable only to large corporations, today, board software exists with high-level security that’s within reach of smaller organizations, from non-profits to smaller crown corporations.
Responsive Board Software
No technology solution is ever finished, as companies provide updates to keep security ahead of cybercriminals and add features to keep their products competitive. Better board software providers listen to their customers, ask them for input, and design changes to the user experience and user interface according to the feedback. Your board software vendor should listen to their clients and respond to give them a better solution.
Board Software Training & Webinars
One of the unique features provided by the board software solutions provider Aprio is regular webinars that explain new updates and features and how directors can use them. These are accessible to all directors and admin staff who use the board software, so that they can make the most of the portal, even as it evolves.
Board Software with Anytime Support
Crown corporation directors are busy people who juggle many responsibilities, including careers outside the organization. They travel, they prepare for meetings at night, and when they need technical support, they can’t wait for business hours. Round-the-clock, fully human customer support is a must-have feature to fit the lifestyles and responsibilities of a crown corporation’s directors.
Crown corporations need board software that works for them, and that means secure, low-cost board software that adapts to fit their needs and responds to their feedback.