Times are different – in the past it was common to take an entire year off before pursuing higher education and simply using the time to wind out and relax. The unemployment rate has drastically increased making it more and more difficult to find jobs after school. The bottom line is that you really have to build an impressive resume to get yourself hired. Don’t worry though-if you are dying to go on that gap year escapade, you can still make it worthwhile. How? Simply add work to your play and you just may get plus points on your interview.
Everything starts with saving and here are some great tips to help you do that.
Getting the best credit card will go a long way when you are abroad. Try and look for something that won’t charge you 2% above every time you make a transaction. Also make sure to have an online banking system functional before you leave so you can still access your funds and bank statements wherever you may be.

Since debit cards always have the disadvantage of going into debt, you can always consider getting a prepaid card. These cards are perfect when paying for goods and they can easily be replaced in case stolen.
Since you plan to gain some work experience in your gap year travel, you need to inquire what kind of visa you will need. This will obviously depend greatly on where you plan to go to work. You may need to do a little research so you know what requirements you will need to qualify.
Another thing to do homework on is your air fare and the tax regime of the country you plan to travel to. Even small things such as mobile phone usage can be reduced to make enough money for your gap year travel.
When considering your destination, always keep Australia on your list as this is one of the most common gap year travel destinations. It said that you can earn about 30% more in Australia than in the UK which is quite a lot to keep you going when you get back.

Once you have everything good to go, one last thing to keep in mind the entire time you travel-budget, budget and budget. It’s not a fun experience to run out of money halfway around the world where there is no Mum and Dad to bail you out.
Gap year travel can leave you fond memories and if you play your cards right, even put an impressive mark on your resume, so do it right!