Browsing CategoryThe Zero Boss

How to Greatly Improve Your Chances of Getting Hired

The job market today is ferocious with multiple candidates fighting for even entry level jobs at desirable companies. With such fierce competition, companies are considering every factor when evaluating potential hires. This demands that candidates go into the job search process completely prepared to be vetted and able to satisfactorily pass scrutiny. It is important to note that previously irrelevant aspects about a candidate are now front and center, most prominent of which is their on-line activities. This has many job seekers hiring online reputation management companies to scrub and oversee their online reputations ahead of interviews. The key for…

Do You Have The Necessary Skills To Be An Engineer?

Engineering is a fantastic career choice that covers a huge range of industries and individual branches. As a profession, engineer work at the forefront of technology seeking to change, innovate, create and construct almost everything that we see and use everyday of our lives. There is a huge variety of different types of engineer from chemical, mechanical, software, civil, aerospace, environmental and everything in-between. As an engineer you can move throughout the various branches without too much trouble and even look at one day heading up your own firm like V. Reddy Kancharla. There is much that separates good and…

Golden Rules to Date by: The Do’s & Don’ts of Casual Dating


Our tech is pretty mobile. And it’s permeated the other parts of our lives, too — including our personal lives. Somehow, we’ve become pretty mobile too. As we bounce from country to country and experience to experience, some people poo-poo this form of existence as “fleeting” and “meaningless” while others who are more open-minded are mature enough to recognize that freedom and self-determination mean that we can decide who we want to be — and how we want to live. And this includes how we want to have relationships in our lives, and the kinds of relationships we wish to…