Browsing CategoryLegal

Questions to Ask Your Immigration Lawyer During the Initial Consultation

You’re going to need the best lawyers if you decide to move to London. Being an immigrant is tough because you need to go through a long and tedious process before you can finally settle, so if you hire the top immigration solicitors London offers, you will have a higher chance of getting visa approval. Since there are many choices for immigration lawyers, you need to speak with them first in a consultation. Ask these questions and you will discover if they are the right immigration lawyer for you. What is your experience in immigration cases? Even if you find…

What Kinds of Cases do Personal Injury Lawyers Handle?

Personal injury lawyers have a wide variety of specialties and can cover a wide variety of cases. Each year thousands of personal injury cases are filed, and these cases take on many different forms. There are a few consistent points that are true for all personal injury cases, however. To win a personal injury claim, a defendant has to prove two things. 1. That the injury was caused by the negligence of a second party, and 2. That the injury has caused significant losses for the defendant. So, what are the most common types of personal injury cases that injury…

Do You Need a Car Accident Attorney After a Car Crash?

For many people, a car crash can be one of the most traumatic experiences they every go through. One minute, you’re driving down the road on your way to work or an appointment, and the next you can feel the impact of another car as it hits you, wrecking your car and perhaps even leaving you with debilitating injuries. The frightening truth is that around a quarter of people will end up in a car accident at some point during their lives. While there are ways that you can help prevent car crashes, such as avoiding distracted driving and not…

Life Events Which Require You To Lawyer Up

You may think that you will never be in such a situation whereby you will need to find a lawyer, but the truth is that it can happen at any time. I was of this belief in the past, but after an incident I had to go through legal proceedings, something I could not have gotten through without the support of the guys at Dolan Law Firm. After this instance, I have spoken regularly with friends who believe it won’t happen to them, so I wanted to write a piece about just some of the things that could happen to…