Building a Swimming Pool with Glass Fencing

There are many reasons to want a swimming pool. It is a great escape for relaxing with family and friends, gives your home an upscale feel, and increases property value. In addition, it is one of the few home installations which cannot be stolen.

However, many people do away with the idea of getting one for several reasons. Cost, space, and safety are common excuses people give nowadays. Thanks to advancement in technology which has engendered glass fencing solutions, these excuses no longer hold water. This article aptly addresses the points to ponder when getting a pool and solutions are proffered to some challenges.


With recurring cases of drowning among children under the age of 5, having a swimming pool might seem like a disaster waiting to happen. It gets worse when you dig deeper and realize that there’s a 50% chance of drowning if you have a pool.


With glass pool fencing in place, you can install your swimming pool in peace. There are several features of glass pool fences which make them perfect for child safety. For example, ideal pool fences are equipped with self-latching and self-locking pool gates. Even when you or any other visitor gets careless with the glass gate, you can be sure that your children or pets are not in danger.

Another feature of glass pool fences which makes it a perfect security item is the transparency. Glass fences are made of tempered clear glass which can be used for surveillance. This means that you can monitor children and pets from wherever you are in the backyard.


Every homeowner in any highbrow city knows how hard it is to have little outdoor space to work with. Many people cite tiny backyards as their major reason for not having a swimming pool. This is not a good orientation. You should not allow that tiny backyard to prevent you from enjoying a relaxing view beside your pool.


Fortunately, glass pool fences do not just have security features, they are also employed by architects to maximize the available space. Glass fences do not require as much space when compared to steel gates or wooden fences. The installation of glass pool fences is also not as cumbersome as that of the others. Also, one characteristic of glass is that it makes a place appear bigger than it really is. Hence, that tiny backyard appears bigger than it really is.


Finally, the cost. Yes, glass fences are somewhat expensive to install initially. However, when you consider the cost of maintenance you eliminate, this becomes a good bargain compared to traditional fencing. Glass fences do not require yearly painting or remodeling, they do not rust, they are not affected by termites, and they are not prone to damage.

Glass fencing systems are the perfect way to address your swimming pool worries. Homeowners should consider this a great solution to complement any backyard pool installation.