When it comes to sex, sexual health, and fertility in general, many people are sadly misinformed about some basic facts. This is unfortunate for a litany of reasons, but it’s particularly worrying for women who want to start a family but encounter difficulty along the way. There are many myths regarding female fertility and some of them can be quite detrimental –– both physically and mentally. Today, then, we’re going to bust a few myths regarding fertility so that you can make informed decisions about your health and your future:
Myth #1 Infertility is Always a Women’s Issue
This simply isn’t true. Both men and women experience infertility equally, and it’s important for both partners to get checked if they want to have kids.
Myth #2 Infertility is Uncommon
Millions of people suffer from infertility. In fact, 11% of the reproductive population struggles with infertility issues.
Myth #3 Infertility is Unrelated to your Well-Being
Conception is a bodily process, and it is affected by dietary and lifestyle choices. Sometimes, a change in diet or workout regimen can genuinely increase a woman’s potential for becoming pregnant.
Myth #4 Infertility is a Solely Mental Issue
You can’t “relax” your way to a pregnancy. Yes, a person’s psychological state can have an affect on their physiological condition, and lowering your stress levels may help your body prepare itself for pregnancy, but infertility is a physical problem first and foremost. Don’t expect a few yoga sessions to resolve issues within the reproductive system.
Myth #5 You’ll Know You’re Infertile Right Away
It’s easy for uninformed couples to become exasperated if they’re trying to get pregnant but can’t. And it may be tempting after a few months to suspect either you or your partner are infertile. The reality is, though, it can take a long time to get pregnant. Fewer than half of women who attempt to conceive do so within the first three months. Doctors will typically tell concerned couples to try and conceive for at least a year before they even consider fertility treatment options.
Myth #6 Fertility Treatments Don’t Work
While some couples may not be able to conceive even after treatment, seeking medical help is a viable option for many couples. Everything from in-vitro fertilization to a tubal ligation reversal may help women become pregnant, which is why it’s important to consult with a doctor regularly.
The Bottom Line
Infertility can be very frustrating for women hoping to start a family. The good news is that there are plenty of support options available to you. Make sure to talk to your doctor if you’re concerned about your well-being in any way. It’s never a bad idea to speak with a medical professional for advice!