Posts Tagged“productivity”

Boost Your Business Productivity: 6 Ways to Increase Your Overall ROI

You’ve got business to take care of, and that business is your livelihood. That means business productivity is a top priority for you. But what if you could improve it? What if you could use the time spent on other things to make more progress in projects? Here are six simple ways on how to improve business ROI by increasing productivity: 1. Define Your Productivity Goals? Before you can increase productivity, you should first figure out what your goals are. What do you want to accomplish in business? Maybe your business productivity goals include increased customer satisfaction or more profits. Whatever…

Reasons to be Excited About Audio Dictation Technology

For many of us, our first experience with speech recognition technology was a frustrating exchange with an automated telephone system that seemed incapable of understanding what department we wished to be connected to.  Speech recognition has come a long way in the past few years and has made its way into the daily lives of anyone with a smart phone – true, Siri and other mobile assistants sometimes misunderstand what we are saying with often humorous results, but in general speech recognition technology is able to understand and act on much of what we say, even taking accents and regional…

Saving Time at Work: Efficiency and Productivity

For business owners, efficiency and productivity is usually something to improve upon. Maybe your own, maybe your employees, but probably both. Lots of tasks exist in an office, and many of them have nothing to do with your business itself. The more you can focus on what needs to be done, the more results you’ll see when it comes to saving time at work. Efficiency Efficiency is key. The less time wasted, the more time can be spent being productive. That goes for both you and your employees. There are some great tips to learn, some being directly related to…

8 Apps That Will Help Improve Productivity and Success

Regardless of what type of business you’re in, productivity is a high priority. If you want to be successful, you’ll need to learn how to use your time wisely by being as efficient as possible. These eight apps will help keep you on track so you can improve productivity every day. 1. Asana: Great for project management, Asana will help you keep track of internal e-mail, hand off tasks to members of your team, and check how your projects are progressing, all from one main dashboard. Successful people like Co-founder Wesley Edens wouldn’t be able to accomplish so much if it…