Posts Tagged“passport”

Three Travel Rules You Should Never Break

Everybody travels for their own reasons, on their own terms and with their own ends. That’s part of the joy of exploring this planet we call Earth. But there are a few simple travel rules a person should never break, regardless of whether you’re off to scale mountains or kick back in an all-inclusive resort. Here we break down the three essential rules to live – and travel – by. 1. Wear Your Boots On The Plane Unless the boots you’re packing are six inch heels meant for a night of hooking, there is absolutely no excuse for not wearing…

Five Tips for Safe Travel in South Africa

South Africa is a wonderful place to visit, but poverty and increased crime rates have made travelers hesitant to take a trip to the country. But with such an impressive diversity of cultures, languages and landscapes, South Africa boasts much to be proud of, and much to attract the adventuresome traveler. So here are some tips for taking a trip to South Africa that’s memorable – for the right reasons. Get the facts straight As with any trip, it’s advisable to do your homework before leaving. South Africa has a reputation for violent crime, but some preparation beforehand can familiarize…

Australian Working Holiday Visas – the Ins and Outs

In Australia, industrial and commercial progress and development have been increasingly evident in the last few decades. The continent has become a hub of opportunities for people from all around the world. Whether they’re coming to pursue an education or employment, people – especially young people – have been coming to Australia and finding opportunities in a variety of fields. Every year thousands of people visit Australia via its working holiday visa. It’s a specific type of visa issued to foreigners who are looking to visit Australia for anywhere from a couple of months to a year. The visa allows…