Posts Tagged“internet”

Why More Companies are Choosing VoIP to Stay Connected

VoIP is the hot new phone service for businesses to stay connected; approximately 42% of all businesses currently utilize VoIP services, and that figure is climbing. Companies are choosing VoIP instead of Analog phone lines due to its relatively low cost, its high level of features, and its flexible service. According to the article, VOIP: Businesses Voiding Standard Phone Lines For The New It-Technology, “By the year’s end in 2015 it is expected that over 30 million households in the U.S. and 65% of all businesses would switch over to some form of VoIP service and ditch traditional phone…

An Airport Layover Survival Guide

“I love airport layovers!” said no person, ever. Airport layovers rank pretty high on the list of major travel bummers, right up there with travelers’ illness and being stuck on an overcrowded bus next to a guy with a snake in a pillowcase. (I sadly have been the victim of all aforementioned plights and can say honestly the snake was the best of the worst.) I’ve also seen almost every length of airport layover imaginable, from a five minute dash from one terminal to another, to a 36 hour stint in JFK one unfortunate December. And from long to short,…