Personal Injury Law: What Exactly is it and Finding a Lawyer for Your Case

You have probably heard of personal injury, but you may never have thought that this would be something that you may qualify for. But you or a loved one was hurt somewhere, and it wasn’t your fault. Is that personal injury? It very well could be. To be exact, personal injury is when you have incurred an injury due to someone else’s negligence. It could have to with an accident in a business, a car wreck injury or even an OSHA violation at work. The incidences are high, and though they are common, you still need to follow protocol if you are thinking of filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Personal Injury Law- What Exactly is it and Finding a Lawyer for Your Case

Hiring a lawyer

If you feel you have been wrongfully injured and are interested in pursuing a lawsuit, you’ll want to hire a lawyer. This should be a lawyer qualified in personal injury, and one in local proximity to you. For instance if you live in the San Francisco Bay area, search for a San Francisco personal injury attorney, not someone across the state or country.

Next, check out their qualifications. Remember, lawyers don’t usually specialize in everything, so your tax attorney may not be adept at working on a personal injury case. Look for an attorney who has experience and success in these types of cases. Check out their website – look for credentials and education, you may see testimonials and referrals from pleased clients. If you get a weird vibe from the website or the attorney himself, trust that vibe and look elsewhere.

Know what you’re getting when you commit to work with someone. Find out about costs, billing, and fees. Will this be the particular lawyer trying your case or might it be someone else in the firm? Is either okay with you? If you have questions, ask. Your lawyer is working for you; it’s okay to ask questions and know what you’re getting.

Do you have a case

Maybe your case is valid, there’s a chance it’s not. Your lawyer should be able to help determine this and your chances before you even get started. These are some of the most common personal injury claims the courts are seeing:

  • Vehicular accident injury – These injuries result from accidents on the road, like cars, trucks and motorcycles.
  • Slip and fall cases – Whether it’s at work or another place of business, and someone falls due to negligence, there can be grounds for a personal injury case. Some examples are slipping on a wet floor or tripping on uneven pavement.
  • Work related injuries – Back injuries and carpal tunnel syndrome are two common results brought on by repetitive movements or stress injuries at work. Often they can be prevented with proper precautions, training and equipment. If those things weren’t provided, a lawsuit may be justified.
  • Medical malpractice – Though this one is a bit different, it still falls under personal injury. When a patient is hurt or injured because of some improper care by a medical professional, malpractice may have occurred.

Your lawyer can help decide if you have a valid case if you have experienced one of these, or even other, forms of personal injury. Perhaps it wasn’t you, but a loved one who sustained the injury; sometimes death is the result of negligence.

What can you receive from winning a case

If you win your case, you can receive money to cover damages. Damages can be anything from medical expenses to lost wages to attorney fees to emotional distress and pain and suffering. So if you think you have a case, pursue it. If you are afraid you can’t afford an attorney, have a talk with one and see. You may be able to work it out so you pay them when you win, and your damages can cover his fees.

We all have seen media coverage of people who take advantage of personal injury. But it really happens, and people can be hurt, unable to work or perform daily tasks. If so, they are entitled to compensation. A good lawyer who specializes in thiis field can help see to a fair case and get the compensation deserved.

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