Organizational Tips to Increase Work Productivity

It is no secret that productivity at work increases both work efficiency and work profits. However, between the distractions in the office and the pressure to excel all the time, productivity can be hard to achieve. In fact, many companies are finding work productivity to be at an all-time low, as employees are burnt out and simply going through the motions.

Organizational Tips to Increase Work Productivity

The key to productivity is organization, as organization can help business men and women to work smarter and not harder. Simple organizational techniques can help you focus your energy in the right direction, boosting your productivity levels without increasing your work load.

Scheduling Tools

Investing in the right scheduling tools can dramatically increase your business’s reach while freeing up your time to devote your efforts to other areas of business. Depending upon your business, there are many types of scheduling tools available, including ones that manage your business’s social media posts, your employees’ shifts, and client meetings or appointments. From social media schedulers like Co-Schedule and Buffer to efficient systems like Spa Software from Salon Iris, your business can easily begin running more efficiently. These systems can streamline and organize your business in a way that effectively increases your productivity.

Staff Meetings

While staff or group meetings are important in terms of getting all team members together and cohesively discussing business matters or business projects, staff meetings can sometimes get out of hand in terms of time. By decreasing the amount of meetings you have each week, or by decreasing the time spent in the meeting, you will get valuable time back into your day that can be utilized for work. Eliminating wasted time will keep your business running efficiently and your employees focused, as long meetings not only suck up valuable work hours, but also tend to suck up employee energy.

Schedule Breaks

Research has proven that regular breaks will increase work productivity. Working without breaks can actually add stress to your body, which can lead to an inability to focus, headaches, and in some cases, mistakes. Taking a break from work can rejuvenate your mind, energize your body, and get the creative juices flowing once again. When taking a 10 or 15 minute break, try to incorporate walking, stretching, or fresh air into the break, for these things can release stress from your body while also helping clear and refresh your mind.

Work Remotely

If work permits, try and work remotely whenever possible. Many offices have found that the traditional cubicle style of work actually decreases productivity. The stilted office atmosphere can hinder creativity and impede motivation. Instead, working remotely, whether from home, at a cafe or coffee shop, or outside in the fresh air, can offer less office interruptions and more focus. The change in scenery helps to keep the brain stimulated so it can stay on track and inspired.

Moreover, many offices are finding that allowing their employees to work remotely is actually increasing productivity for the business as a whole, for employees are using fewer sick days, taking shorter lunches, and are commuting less, meaning when they do come into the office, they are happy, healthy, and ready to work.

Turn Off Distractions

While social media and smart phone apps have helped businesses streamline their companies, they can also be one of the greatest distractions keeping businesses and employees from meeting their work goals. Keep distractions to a minimum by turning off alerts from apps and turning social media notifications off as well. Moreover, consider asking employees to do the same, letting them know they can check them during their breaks. This can prevent you and your employees from getting caught up in distractions that take time away from business work.


One of the best ways to stay organized and on task is to create a check-list outlining all of the tasks or goals that need to be met for the day. Many tend to keep track in their head, and end up either forgetting a task or choosing to put it off. Having a physical list detailing the day’s work objectives can keep you motivated and organized to get everything done in a timely manner.

Being organized is beneficial not only to you and your employees’ well-being, but also for the well-being of your company.