If you have been getting involved in the latest hot topic in the world of finance, cryptocurrency, you will know that the values are rising and more and more people are coming around to the idea of using digital currency. I have been investing in cryptocurrencies with Prescott Regency for around a year now and I have managed to make some pretty solid gains so far. Many of my friends have been interested in investing in this currency for some time and are worried that now it is too late to get involved given that there is much more attention given to this area of finance. If you are also worried that you have missed the boat, here is why it is not too late.
Same Old, Same Old
In 2015 there were people asking if it was too late to get involved in cryptocurrency, 2016 was the same and here we are in 2017 with the same questions being asked. The truth is that it isn’t too late to get involved in this and the reason is that the prices are fluctuating all of the time. The fact of the matter it is that if you are hoping to get a Bitcoin for $40 and sell it 3 years later for $5000 then yes, that ship has definitely sailed but that is not to say that there is no more money left in these investments.
More to be Found
Digital currencies are always limited and we always know how many have been found or ‘mined’ and how many haven’t. Because of this transparency, we already know that Bitcoin for example, has over 20 million which are yet to be found which means that there is still plenty of future in this cryptocurrency alone. With regards to the peter cryptocurrencies, many of them are just starting out and that means that there is more stability in their price given that there are so few out there.
The very same people who correctly predicted that Bitcoin would reach $5000 this year, have also predicted that within 10 years, this cryptocurrency will reach a crazy price of $100,000. Whether this is true or not, the fact that there is a prediction for so much growth means that growth is pretty much a certainty and that means that getting in right now, is a great idea for any investor.
And finally, the biggest reason why it is not too late to get involved in cryptocurrency investment is because more and more governments and companies are beginning to accept crypto as a way of accepting payments. What this means is that the demand for cryptocurrency will rise dramatically against a low supply. If you are bale to get in now, you can stand to make a good profit once more an dorm companies get on to the idea that this is a currency which they should be interested in.