Whether you own an established business or a freshly fledged start-up, there is a constant need to attract new customers. Even the most stable client base should not be left to stagnate, but rather should be increased upon year on year to promote growth.
The maths behind this is simple: more clients equal more sales, more sales equal more money, and more money equates to higher profits.
Unfortunately, attracting an increased customer base is not always as easy as the formula suggests, and it won’t just happen by itself. Luckily for you, however, we have 10 straightforward and simple ideas to help you…
#1: A Strong Web Presence
In our modern world, a strong web presence is essential for any business seeking success. People need a place where they can find out more about your company: what you do, what you sell, your ethos, your prices, and so on. This needs to look professional, so if you’re not sure of what you’re doing, hire someone to help you. It may cost more, but at the end of the day, if it brings in new business, it’s an investment worth making.
#2: Search Engine Optimisation
A strong web presence is a great starting point, but it will only really make a difference if it helps people to find your business. This is why search engine optimisation is so important. You see, when potential clients are looking for a certain type of service, they’ll usually turn to Google to help them, and most won’t scroll beyond the first page of results. Thus, if you want people to know about you, this is where you need to feature. The more highly ranked you are, the higher your sales will soar.
#3: Social Media
You should also take full advantage of social media. Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram offer the perfect places to showcase your products and services, and the best part is that you can use them free of charge. Utilise them to help spread the word amongst your existing client base, because the more of them there are ‘liking’ or ‘following’ you, the more of their friends’ pages you’ll flag up on. If you can manage to arouse the curiosity of these people through your offerings, you could find yourself with a whole host of new customers.
#4: Selling Your Goods on eBay and Amazon
You might have a perfectly proficient website to sell your goods on, but it can still be handy to have them on Amazon and eBay too. The reason for this is simple: these websites get so much traffic. For a lot of people, they’re the first place they’ll look when they need something, so if you’re not on them, you don’t stand a chance of attracting their custom. Be sure to feature a link to your website on your selling page, as this could help to bring in even more potential punters.
#5: Marketing Your Services on Specialist Websites
It’s also a good idea to market your business on professional websites, especially if you’re selling a niche product or service. Retailers of equestrian goods, for example, might want to advertise their business on Horse & Hound, whilst copywriters ought to advertise themselves on sites like Copify. This way, even the most specialist offerings have a good chance of being seen by potential clients.
#6: Sales and Special Offers
Another idea is to give yourself an edge over your competitors, and what better way to do this than through a sale or special offer? People love nothing more than to feel like they’ve got a good bargain, and if you can convince your potential customers that they’re actually saving money when they spend with you, they’re more likely to take a leap of faith and give you a try.
#7: Encouraging Recommendations
When it comes to attracting new clients, your existing customer base could be an invaluable resource: one that it’s well worth mining. They’re already familiar with you, and if you’ve provided them with a positive professional experience, they should be happy to recommend you to their friends, with their personal seal of approval to back this up. If you want to give them a nudge in the right direction, offer some sort of incentive to encourage them, whether this is a discount the next time they buy from you, or a little added extra thrown in.
#8: Old-fashioned Advertising
The internet is an invaluable marketing resource, but this doesn’t mean that old-fashioned advertising is ineffective. Depending on the type of business that you own, everything from flyers to billboards to company cars can help to draw attention to your enterprise, and thus increase your ever burgeoning customer base.
#9: Demoing Opportunities
If you have the capacity, perhaps you could also try offering some sort of demoing opportunity. Although traditional retailers can’t start giving their products away for free, some companies have a high enough profit margin to offer a trial to entice people in. Forex traders like ETX Capital, for example, will often extend the chance to try before you buy, and other businesses may find it handy to provide potential customers with a sample of their work in order to draw them in and gain their eventual custom.
#10: Trade Fairs
Finally, have you considered attending a trade fair or two? Usually, these are specifically geared up towards helping you network in a professional capacity, with potential customers as well as suppliers, peers, and so on present. If you can get talking to the right people, wow them with your talent and charm, and encourage them to take a chance on you, you could make a real difference to the fortunes of your beloved business.
When it comes to introducing customers to your offerings, the best way to do this is by adopting a multi-strand approach, and thinking outside of the box. Be proactive, be willing to try new things, and most of all be committed. Growth should be the gift you receive in exchange for your relentless hard work, dedication, and determination.