It is difficult to reach the end of the month without being in the red. Yes, I said difficult, but not impossible. We want to give you some tips and tricks.
For all those who want to watch their budget closely, it is important to minimize expenses for shopping, and not buy more than necessary.
Keep something on your end of the month account
Go to refuel on Monday. You’ll save about 1% compared to other days of the week. Try not refilling your tank on Friday; it is the most expensive day of the week.
Drive economically. Too much acceleration or a sudden brake leads to increased fuel consumption, and faster wear of the brakes and tires. Consumption is less on the highway and further decreases if you maintain a steady speed of around 100 km/h. If your car has cruise control, use it, even in the city.
Buy energy efficient appliances with energy label A, to save on consumption. Take full advantage of their ability: use short washing programs and avoid high temperatures.
Did you know that if you increase your heating by 1 degree, you consume 8% more energy? Daytime temperatures between 21 and 23° C have proven to be enough, at night come down to 16-17 ° C.
Ask for loyalty cards. They often make greater cuts than you think, and your expenses are, in one way or another, rewarded: good deals or benefits. You can get so many extras to help you!
Before you go shopping, take time to think about what you need to buy. Do not be impulsive. You will see that you will buy much less, especially since you do not really need certain things.
Rely on good quality brands because you know: what seems cheap at first glance is actually much more expensive in the long run.
Saving as a Family
Managing your daily expenses need not be complicated. All you have to do is monitor your spending somewhat more strictly. And follow the advice of those who know the subject: large families.
A family of five or more is quite a challenge; especially in terms of household expenditure. You’ll understand that a large family is a true specialist of savings.
Large families often make simple adjustments to save up every day:
- Use energy-saving lamps. You’ll save up to 80% energy, which is not negligible on your bill.
- Make a weekly menu. Vary the dishes with preparations that appeal to the whole family.
- During cooking, put a lid on your pans to limit heat loss.
- For your ironing, wait until you have enough clothes. You do not need to turn your iron on several times.
- Do not run the washing machine and dishwasher only when full and make use of the ecological, short and low temperature programs.
Buy Products in large quantities and good quality to help you save money. A large family has more experience with volume purchases. They should opt for products giving it more quality at the best price.