Browsing CategoryPersonal Finance

Planning ahead: What do you need before retirement?


In your early twenties, retirement is barely spoken about. Sure, you might be automatically enrolled into your company pension – but for a lot of people this seems more of a hindrance, than a help. After all, wouldn’t it be so much better to have that extra 2% of your salary available now? Of course, as time progresses, priorities change. Believe it or not, there does come a time where you start to take retirement seriously – and today’s article is all about this period in question. Bearing this in mind, we will now mull over some of the main…

How to Save Money When Shopping Online

Shopping online is the new way to get nearly anything you want conveniently and at a great price. Today you spend your money online for everything from purchasing a new car to a making a bet on soccer.  Things have moved so quickly with online shopping that traditional retailers who only a few years ago thought it was a fad are all now trying to gain market share from behemoths like that has jumped ahead in growth and relevance ahead of nearly every retailer. The simple reason is that shopping online provides a wealth of benefits for the average…

No More Shame: Here’s How to Beat Your Debt with Pride

Debt is more than a collection of balances written on paper; it’s a concept with deep-seated implications in the lives of those it affects. Debt can make people feel lonely, like they have a secret they have to hide from their loved ones. It can cause anxiety as consumers fret over how they’re going to pay their bills and get out of the red. Above all, debt can cause shame—and this is a major reason people live in denial or decline to reach out for help. If you feel alone in your debt, consider that the average balance-carrying American household…